Home / Student Conduct / Student Conduct | Off Campus Activities Form Off-Campus Activities Form Some activities require/allow that students leave Jackson College campus. These activities may include day trips or overnight trips. Students will be chaperoned at all times and are not allowed to leave campus or their travel group without supervision or permission.Activity DetailsWhat year will this activity take place?(Required)What semester will this activity take place? Fall Spring Summer Date of Event(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY What is the course name or activity?(Required)Jackson College Leader(Required)This is the person at Jackson College who will be responsible for this activity.Acceptance of Contract Terms and ConditionsI understand that off campus travel for academic courses, student organizations, and clubs which I have chosen to participate in, requires that I adhere to all rules and regulations as put forth by Jackson College in the Student Code of Conduct. Particularly, those concerning the use, possession and/or consumption of drugs and alcohol, and possession of weapons. I understand that should any of the conditions be violated, the trip coordinator has the discretion to follow through with any civil, criminal or college judicial procedures. Student Signature(Required) First Last Student E-mail(Required) Student ID#(Required)Today's Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Δ