Apply for Student Housing

Apply now for Spring 2025 semester!

If you have questions about residence life or the application process, please  or call 517.990.1337.


Housing Application Process

  • Step 1: Complete Jackson College Admission Application

    Before applying for housing, first you need to become a Jackson College student by completing the admissions application. After you have been accepted, you will receive a Jackson College e-mail address and password that you will use to apply for housing.

    Steps to become a Jackson College student
  • Step 2: Submit Housing Application

    To submit your housing application, click the button below. Applicants under the age of 17 will need to contact the director of Residence Life .

    Housing Application


  • Step 3: Submit Background Check

    After submitting your housing application, you will receive an e-mail with details on how to complete your background check. The background check is $35 and completed through Viewpoint. Once you have completed the background check application, you will receive confirmation from the background check company.

    All Jackson College students who reside in housing must complete a background check each semester they live on campus.

    Submit Background Check
  • Step 4: Pay Security Deposit

    A $300 security deposit PAID IN FULL is required to guarantee a space in Campus View Housing.

    Pay Security Deposit
  • Step 5: Register for Classes and Apply for Financial Aid

    The Housing Office will make every effort to process your application in a timely manner. The following items are needed before housing assignments are received.

    • A completed financial aid application must be submitted to the Financial Aid Office. You must be registered into 12 credit hours and meet the Housing Academic Requirements to live in housing. Financial aid is located in Bert Walker Hall and can be reached at 517.796.8410.
    • To discuss course placement, please schedule an appointment with a student success navigator by calling 517.796.8425.
  • Step 6: Receive Housing Assignment

    Housing assignments will be issued after the above steps are completed. Students MUST be enrolled in 12 credits and meet the Housing Academic Requirements to live in housing and receive an assignment.

Housing Requirements

Housing Academic Requirement

  • Students must be enrolled in at least 12 credits for the Fall and Spring semesters and at least 6 credits in the summer semester to reside in Jackson College Housing. Please note that 6 of these credits must be from in-person courses.

  • Must have at least a 2.5 high school GPA

By administrative policy, students under 18 years old, with parental consent, may live in housing if they turn 18 the semester they move in. 

Important Information

  • Future Campus View residents must have her/his financial aid application submitted to Financial Aid Office, and ACT and Compass scores must be submitted to Records/Student Services, before applying for campus housing.
  • Students wishing to live in housing must meet ongoing academic requirements and satisfactory academic progress (2.0 cumulative grade point average or higher).
  • If there are any questions about living on campus or the application process, please call 517.796.1337.