Course Waitlisting
About Waitlisting
Waitlisting is an upgrade to JetStream that will allow you to electronically “wait in line” for the next available seat within a class. As a vacancy becomes available, the next student on the waitlist will be sent an email to their JC Student Email notifying them of their “Permission to Register Status.” This process will eliminate the need to constantly check back to see if the section you desire is open.
Adding Yourself to a Waitlist
To add yourself to a waitlist online, log into JetStream and follow the online registration process. Click on ‘Go to Plan & Schedule.’ On the left- hand side underneath the Schedule tab should be a list of your approved courses in the appropriate term. Click the blue button that says, ‘Waitlist’ to add yourself to the waitlist for the particular course section that is full.
Managing Your Waitlist Online
You can manage your waitlisted courses online using JetStream. In JetStream, Go to ‘Student Planning’ and ‘Plan & Schedule.’ Under the Schedule tab, will be a list of your approved courses including the course that you have waitlisted for. Should you decide that you would like to be removed from the waitlist for your specific course section, click on the blue button, ‘Drop waitlist.’ This will remove you from the waitlist.
Being Registered by Waitlisting: Because some registered students fail to pay their bill, vacancies typically become available after the first payment deadline. You will be notified via your JC Student Email that you have received permission to register for your waitlisted course if a seat were to become available.
How will I know when I can register for a course section that I have joined the waitlist for?
When a seat becomes available in a waitlisted section, an email will be sent to the first student on the waitlist for that section. Please be sure to check your JC Student Email regularly. The College is not responsible for full email inboxes or other similar problems that could affect the receipt of the email message.
If you were on multiple waitlists for different sections of the same course, you will be removed from those waitlists once you register for a section.
JC Student Email is the ONLY form of notification for wait openings.
Once notification of permission to register has been received in your JC Student Email account, it is the student’s responsibility to login to their JetStream account and click the ‘Register’ button underneath the waitlisted course. Note: Upon notification, the student has 24 hours to register themselves for the course. If the 24 hour time period has passed and the student has not registered for the course, the opportunity to register has expired and the student will have to join the waitlist again for the course and begin the process again.
Students adding themselves to a waitlist understand that placement on the waitlist does not guarantee enrollment in the course or section. It is understood that students will not be moved from the waitlist to the class roster automatically. Students are responsible for checking their Jackson College Student Email account daily to see if permission to register in their waitlisted course(s) has been granted. If students choose to register once permission is granted, arrangements to pay tuition and fees associated with the course(s) must be made prior to the published payment deadline.
It is also understood that if any changes to the student schedule are made that create a time conflict or an overload in credits, students will not be able to register themselves in the waitlisted course(s) if granted permission to register.
Waitlisting Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is a waitlist?
A waitlist is an electronic list that is attached to a course section for students who want to enroll in a closed section should a spot open up.
Will all sections offer a waitlist?
No. Sections that are offered through our (MCCVLC) Michigan Colleges Online or our Continuing Education/Lifetime Learning will not utilize waitlisting.
Can I be enrolled/registered in a section and then add myself to the waitlist for another section?
Yes, but if you decide to enroll in the previously waitlisted section, you are responsible for dropping the first one. Otherwise, you will have registered/paid for two sections of the same course. Example: Jet Jackson is enrolled in MTH-133 that meets on Monday/Wednesday at 9 a.m., but really prefers the Tuesday evening section. He is on the waitlist for the Tuesday evening section and is offered a spot. If he registers and pays for the Tuesday evening section, he must also drop himself from the Monday/Wednesday section he no longer wants. This will not happen automatically.
Can I get an overload into a section that is full?
Overloads will only be honored once the semester begins and waitlists have been closed for the semester.Written consent must be brought to Student Services on JC’s Central, Hillsdale or Lenawee campuses. If your instructor issued consent via email, please print the email which shows the sent address and bring it with you.
Should I go to class if I am on the waitlist?
No, only students who have registered/enrolled and paid for sections are allowed to attend.
How will I know I can register for a waitlisted section?
When there is a seat available in the section, an email will be sent to the first student on the waitlist for that section. Please be sure to check your Jackson College email regularly. The College is not responsible for full mailboxes or other similar problems that could affect the receipt of the email message.
If you were on multiple waitlists for the same course, you will be removed from those waitlists once you register for a section.
Email is the ONLY form of notification for waitlisting.
What happens if I do not register before the deadline?
Your permission to register expires on the date indicated in the notification email. Permission to register is then given to the next student on the waitlist.
What happens if I drop a section and want to get back into the same section?
If there is an opening in the section, and no waitlist exists, you may register for the section. If the section is filled, you may place yourself on the waitlist.
What happens to my waitlisted sections if I am dropped from my registered sections for non-payment?
Students who are dropped from sections for non-payment will only be removed from sections for which they have registered. If you were dropped for non-payment and the course is now closed, you must place yourself on the waitlist. You will remain waitlisted for sections which you have waitlisted.
If a new section of a course is opened, will the students on the waitlist for other full sections be automatically notified?
Yes. An email will go out to students who are currently on a waitlist for a section of the new course being offered. The new section will be filled on a first come, first served basis and this notification does not guarantee you a seat in any section.
Can Dual Enrolled Students participate in Waitlisting?
No. At this time Dual Enrolled students cannot be added to a waitlist for any course.