Jackson College Policies

The policies at Jackson College are established to provide general guidance and information for both operational and governance purposes. While operational policies guide day-to-day activities and procedures, board policies serve as the overarching framework through which the Board of Trustees governs the institution. Although distinct in their focus, both sets of policies are not intended to create binding agreements or contracts between the College and its employees, students, or the public.

Jackson College remains committed to maintaining its policies, but reserves the right to make adjustments to both board and operational policies as necessary. Such changes may be implemented at the discretion of the Board and President, whether or not they have been communicated, printed, or updated on the College’s website. This flexibility ensures that Jackson College can respond to evolving needs and remain aligned with both governance and operational objectives.

Policy NumberPolicyPolicy TypeForms and Procedures
AC-2807Academic Amnesty/ForgivenessStudent Services
AC-1037Academic FreedomAcademics
AC-1004Academic HonestyAcademicsAcademic Dishonesty Reporting Form
1005Academic Permissions/Copyright ClearanceAcademics
AC-1035Academic Program ReviewAcademics
AC-1045Academic Progress Standards for F1 Visa StudentsInternational Student Institute
AC-2801Access to Student Information (FERPA)Student ServicesFERPA Release Form
Release of Student Information
AC-1015Adjunct Absence PolicyAcademic Deans
AC-2814Admissions StandardsAcademics
LC-1215Allowable/Unallowable Purchase PolicyBusiness Office
LC-2605Animals on CampusSecurity
AC-2501AppealsStudent Resolution AdvocateAcademic Complaint Procedure
Non-Academic Appeal Form
Academic Complaint Form
LC-1603Appropriate Use of Bulk Email ServiceInformation Technology
AC-1104Assessment of Student LearningAcademics
AC-1410Athletes in HousingResidence Life
AC-1405Athletic Team and Student TravelStudent Life
LC-1736Attire & AppearanceHuman Resources
LC-1204Audit Certification CEOBusiness Office
1407Background Checks for Housing ResidentsStudent Life
2303Behavioral Health and Community Service ReferralCenter for Student Success
AC-2704Bulletin Board UsageStudent Services
LC-2601Campus ClosingSecurityCampus Closing Procedure
LC-1616Campus View Information TechnologyInformation Technology
AC-1803CCE Course CancellationCorporate and Continuing Education
LC-2840Chosen Name and Identity PolicyInformation Technology
LC-3112Classroom AccessAcademics
LC-3120Classroom and Laboratory Visitor PolicyAcademics
LC-1615Clinical Simulation RecordingInformation Technology
LC-2107College SponsorshipsMarketing
LC-1901College Vehicle UseFacilities
LC-1713Communicable DiseaseHuman Resources
LC-1213Continuing Disclosure ComplianceBusiness Office
LC-3110Contract AuthorityPresident's Office
AC-2913Cost of Attendance (COA)Financial Aid
LC-3109Councils, Committees and Student OrganizationsPresident's Office
AC-2820Course AuditingAcademics
AC-1036Course FeesAcademics
AC-2817Course RepeatsStudent Services
AC-1010Course ReviewAcademics
AC-1012Credit by ExaminationAcademicsCredit by Examination Procedure
Application for Credit by Examination
LC-1201Credit Card PolicyBusiness OfficeCredit Card Procedure
Credit Card Monthly Summary
Credit Card Application
Tax Exempt Certificate
AC-1042Credit for Prior LearningAcademicsCredit for Prior Learning Form
AC-1106Credit HourAcademics
LC-2611Critical Incident TeamSecurity
AC-1026Dean's ListAcademics
AC-2908Direct Loan PolicyFinancial Aid
AC-1008Distance Learning CoursesAcademics
AC-2830Dual EnrollmentAcademics
AC-2706Emotional Support Animals in HousingCenter for Student Success
LC-1723Employee Conflict of InterestHuman ResourcesEmployee Conflict of Interest Survey
LC-1730Employee Drug and/or Alcohol UseHuman Resources
LC-1602Employee Groupware Email ServiceInformation Technology
LC-1904Employee Office Move RequestFacilitiesEmployee Move Request Forms
LC-2001Employee Personnel RecordHuman Resources
LC-1712Equal Opportunity/Non-DiscriminationHuman Resources
AC-1403Equity in Athletics ReportingStudent Life
AC-3006Ethical Standards in College RecruitmentStudent Services
AC-1024Faculty Stipend CompensationAcademicsApplication and Approval Procedure
AC-2904Financial Aid Code of ConductFinancial Aid
AC-2909Financial Aid Required ReportingFinancial Aid
LC-1202Financial Obligation HoldBusiness Office
1217Fixed AssetsBusiness Office
LC-2612Free Speech, Expressive Activities and DemonstrationsSecurityRequest for Demonstration Form
AC-2502Gainful EmploymentFinancial Aid
AC-1039Graduation RequirementsAcademics
LC-1608Guest User Computer and InternetInformation TechnologyAcknowledgement of Minor Access to Unfiltered Internet
LC-1504Harriet Myer Student Emergency FundFoundation
LC-1905Hazard CommunicationFacilities
AC-1303Housing Acceptance CriteriaResidence Life
AC-1409Housing Deposit PolicyStudent Life
AC-1007Human Specimen Laboratory - RespectAcademicsAnatomy and Physiology Laboratory Rules
AC-1003Incomplete GradeAcademicsIncomplete Grade Form
AC-1050Independent StudyAcademicsIndependent Study Application
AC-1051Individualized LearningAcademicsIndividualized Learning Application
LC-1614Information SecurityInformation Technology
LC-1613Information Technology Electronic AccountInformation Technology
LC-1607Information Technology MaintenanceInformation Technology
LC-1606Information Technology-Respectful UseInformation Technology
LC-3030Institutional Review BoardAcademicsInformation for Researchers
AC-1402Intercollegiate AthleticsStudent Life
LC-1505Internal, External and Non-College FundraisingFoundation
AC-1033International Education & Study Abroad ProgramsAcademicsCode of Conduct
General Information & Authorization for Medical Treatment
Health Disclosure
Participant Agreement-Liability Waiver
Program Policies Agreement
AC-3003International Student AdmissionsStudent Services
AC-2910Isakson and Roe Section 1018Records
LC-3107Jackson College Code of Conduct and Ethical PracticePresident's Office
LC-1612JetNet Course ArchiveInformation Technology
AC-2810Late EnrollmentStudent Services
LC-1610Learning Studio Room/Equipment UseInformation Technology
AC-1103Library Material CheckoutAcademics
AC-1102Library Replacement CostsAcademics
LC-3104Lobbying Prohibition PolicyPresident's Office
LC-1902Lockout/Tagout PolicyFacilities
LC-1619Malware RemovalInformation Technology
AC-1027Mandatory Assessment and PlacementAcademics
AC-2705Mandatory New Student OrientationStudent Services
LC-2101Media RelationsMarketing
LC-3103Memorandum of AgreementPresident's Office
AC-3114Military Leave of AbsenceStudent Services
AC-3115Military Withdrawal due to OrdersStudent Services
AC-2818Minimum StandardsStudent Services
AC-1406Minors in HousingStudent Life
LC-2620Minors on CampusSecurity
LC-1302Missing StudentSecurityMissing Student Notification Procedure
LC-1503Named Endowed FundsFoundation
LC-1502Naming OpportunitiesFoundation
LC-1719NepotismHuman Resources
LC-1207Net Asset (Fund) Balance PolicyBusiness Office
AC-1030New Course ProposalsAcademics
AC-2816Obsolete CoursesStudent Services
LC-2105Online PrivacyMarketing
AC-2901Opt Out of Financial Aid for BooksFinancial Aid
LC-1708Oral Employment Contracts/PromisesHuman Resources
LC-1214Participant Support CostsBusiness Office
AC-2803Participation and Attendance ReportingStudent Services
LC-3101Policy and Procedure Development and ApprovalPresident's Office
LC-3102Political Party InvolvementPresident's OfficeACE Campaign Related Activities on Campus
AC-2808Prerequisite PolicyStudent Services
AC-2905Program Authorization and ComplianceFinancial Aid
LC-1209Purchasing PolicyBusiness Office
LC-1506Receiving and Accepting GiftsFoundation
LC-3108Record RetentionPresident's Office
AC-3117Registration RestrictionsStudent Services
LC-1728Relationships with StudentsHuman Resources
LC-1733Remote Work PolicyHuman Resources
AC-1014Reporting of GradesAcademics
LC-1601Responsible UseInformation Technology
AC-2903Satisfactory Academic ProgressFinancial AidFinancial Aid Appeal Form
AC-1009Section CancellationAcademics
LC-1717Sexual HarassmentHuman ResourcesDiscrimination and Harassment Complaint Form
Title IX Complaint Process with Appeal
LC-3119Social MediaMarketing
LC-1604Solution Center Notebook CheckoutInformation Technology
LC-1206State of Michigan Capital Outlay Request ProcessBusiness Office
AC-2702Student Discipline, Suspension, or ExpulsionStudent ServicesStudents in distress Procedure
No Trespass Order Form
AC-3116Student Drug and/or Alcohol UseStudent Services
AC-3001Student Education Plan (SEP) and Program of Study (POS)Student Services
AC-2703Student Involuntary WithdrawalStudent Services
AC-1404Student Life Planning and ParticipationStudent Life
AC-2301Student Request for AccommodationCenter for Student SuccessGrievance Procedure
AC-2809Student ResidencyStudent Services
AC-2701Student Rights, Responsibilities & Code of ConductStudent Services
AC-2805Student Success GuaranteeStudent Services
AC-3040Student Vaccination PolicyStudent ServicesVaccination Consent for On-Campus Living
LC-3105Supplanting Prohibition Policy - Perkins ActPresident's Office
LC-3125Survey and Focus Group PolicyInstitutional Research & Effectiveness
LC-2609Threats and ViolenceSecurity
LC-1216Time and Effort ReportingBusiness Office
LC-2614Timely Warning SystemSecurity
LC-1715Tobacco Free/Smoke Free EnvironmentHuman Resources
AC-2819Transfer Credit EvaluationStudent Services
LC-1734Transgender Bathroom Use PolicyHuman Resources
LC-1203Travel and MileageBusiness Office
LC-1211Tuition & Fees, Refunds & Adjustments to AccountsBusiness Office
AC-2902Tuition Grants and ScholarshipsFinancial Aid
AC-2404Tutoring ServicesCenter for Student Success
AC-1401Use of Athletic FacilitiesStudent Life
AC-2907Veteran Standards of Progress (VSP)Financial Aid
LC-2606Video SurveillanceSecurity
LC-2603Weapons on CampusSecurity
LC-2102Website AccessibilityMarketing
AC-1041Work-Based LearningAcademicsInternship Application
LC-2707Zero ToleranceStudent Judicial

Policy Process

  1. New policies are sent to the Institutional Research & Effectiveness department to distribute to an appropriate committee for approval.
  2. Following committee approval, they are recommended to the Leadership Council for final approval.
  3. Once approved, the new policy is added to a regular review cycle to ensure the policy is maintained according to an appropriate schedule.

Make Changes to a Current Policy

For a copy of the policy template, or to make changes to a current policy, please contact:

Deb Schissler
Institutional Research & Effectiveness Specialist