On Friday, Oct. 11, all college educators are invited to learn about Writing Across the Curriculum in the Age of AI, a free event to be held at JC. Look for more to come from Professor Steven Tuckey.

All educators are also invited to an upcoming Saturday conference, From Values to Vision: Rethinking Our Approaches to AI in Education, set for Oct. 12 at JC. Educators already familiar with these AI tools will dive deeper into an exploration of when, how, and why they can integrate AI in disciplinary-specific and ethical ways. The event will run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; K-12 teachers may earn 5 SCECH professional development hours. This will be free for any JC faculty members (please contact Steve Tuckey at link below), while for those outside of JC, the cost is $25 per person; register at the JCISD.