Respiratory Therapy – Transfer Options

Articulation Agreements

Articulation Agreements are formal agreements between two or more Colleges and Universities documenting the transfer policies for a specific academic program or degree. Jackson College has articulation agreements in Respiratory Therapy with the following colleges and universities.

  • Respiratory Therapy – Eastern Michigan University

    Respiratory Therapy Associate in Applied Science degree at Jackson College to a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science at Eastern Michigan University

    JC Students who complete an associate degree, complete the courses outline in the guidesheet with a grade of a “C” or better, and satisfy EMU’s admissions requirements will be accepted into the articulation agreement.

    Under this agreement, EMU will waive the 60-hour rule and require that a minimum of 38 credits be completed in courses offered by EMU. This allows students to complete more than 60 credit hours at JC, and have those hours applied toward their bachelor’s degree.
    Students must apply and be admitted to EMU and to the Exercise Science program. A grade of B-or higher in CEM 141, BIO 162, BIO 253, BIO 254, and PHY 231 is required for admission to the Exercise Science program.

    Articulation Effective Dates: September 1, 2019 through August 31, 2022

    General Education/MTA Requirements

    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    ANT 131 Cultural Anthropology 3 ENG 085*

    Cultural anthropology is a one semester introductory course. The course focuses on the thesis that every society is based on an integrated culture, which satisfies human needs and facilitates survival. The course also explores the ways in which our own culture fits into the broad range of human possibilities.

    ART 112 Art History: Renaissance to Present 3 ENG 085*

    This course is a survey of art history and aesthetics covering art from the Renaissance through the 20th century.

    BIO 253 and 254 Human Anatomy and Physiology I & II 8

    Human Anatomy and Physiology I
    This is the first course of a two-semester course sequence in which students study the anatomy and physiology of the human body. The course includes introductions to basic chemistry, biology and histology and extends to the survey of the integumentary, skeletal, muscular and nervous systems. This course includes a laboratory component in which students are responsible for performing dissections and making original observations on dissected material. The laboratory experience culminates with the use of a plastinated human specimen for observation. A strong background in biology and/or chemistry is highly recommended.

    Human Anatomy and Physiology II
    This is the second course of a two-semester course sequence in which students study the anatomy and physiology of the human body. The course includes the autonomic nervous system, sensory, motor, and integrative systems, special senses, endocrine system, cardiovascular systems, lymphatic system and immunity, respiratory systems, digestive system, metabolism and nutrition, urinary system and reproductive systems. This course includes a laboratory component in which students are responsible for performing dissections and making original observations on dissected material. The laboratory experience culminates with the use of a plastinated human specimen for observation. Because physiological processes are based on the principles of chemistry, prior chemistry coursework is strongly recommended for this course.

    COM 250 Intercultural Communication 3 ENG 085* and ENG 090*
    ENG 131 Writing Experience I 3 ENG 085 and ENG 091

    This is an intensive writing course. Narrative and descriptive modes are stressed. Basic research strategies are introduced. An end-of-the-semester portfolio is required.

    ENG 249 African-American Literature 3 ENG 085* and ENG 131
    MAT 130 Quantitative Reasoning 4 MAT 030

    Quantitative Reasoning develops student skills in analyzing, synthesizing and communicating quantitative information. Cultivates algebraic reasoning and modeling skills through a quantitative literacy lens. Emphasizes critical thinking and the use of multiple strategies in applied contexts. Topics include proportional and statistical reasoning, probability, and evaluation of bias and validity.

    PSY 140 Introduction to Psychology 4 ENG 085* and ENG 090*

    Overview of the field of psychology, including learning, development, emotion, motivation, personality, abnormal behavior and psychotherapy.

    Respiratory Therapy Related Requirements:

    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    CEM 131 Fundamentals of Chemistry 4 ENG 085* and MAT 033* or higher

    Fills requirement for some non-science majors. Provides background for CEM 141 for those with no recent high school chemistry. Fundamental principles of chemistry such as states of matter, simple atomic and molecular structure, and the periodic classification of elements. The study of water emphasizes the properties of solutions and acid-base relations. Course includes a laboratory component.

    MOA 120 Medical Terminology 3 ENG 085*

    A programmed learning word building system approach is used to teach basic medical terminology word roots, prefixes, suffixes, language origins, plural formation and grammar rules are studied. Emphasis is placed on word building, definitions, spelling, usage, pronunciation and acceptable medical abbreviations.

    JC Respiratory Therapy Core Requirements:

    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    RES 100 Respiratory Care Techniques I 7

    This classroom and laboratory course is an introduction to the duties and responsibilities of respiratory care practitioners. Topics covered include a review of physical science, cardiopulmonary anatomy and physiology, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, basic nursing skills, medical gas and aerosol administration, employee health and safety, pulmonary medications, and an orientation to clinical sites.

    RES 104 Cardiopulmonary Assessment 2

    This course is an introduction to basic physical and laboratory assessment of cardiopulmonary patients. Topics include basic pulmonary function and medical lab values, blood gas analysis, and bedside patient assessment equipment and techniques.

    RES 110 Respiratory Care Techniques II 5 RES 100 and RES 104

    This classroom and laboratory course continues the introduction to basic duties of respiratory care practitioners. Emphasis will be placed on patient assessment, basic therapy modalities, airway management, cardiopulmonary diagnostic equipment and techniques and an introduction to continuous mechanical ventilation.

    RES 114 Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology I 2 RES 100 and RES 104

    The student in this course will be able to describe the etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and management of a variety of cardiopulmonary diseases and processes. Using a series of case studies, student will continue to develop assessment skills and apply clinical practice guidelines to develop care plans for patients with cardiopulmonary disease.

    RES 115 Clinical Practice I 5 RES 100 and RES 104

    This course provides a hospital experience in which previously acquired classroom theory and laboratory skills can be exercised. Skills practiced include those associated with patient respiratory assessment, oxygen therapy, a wide range of bronchopulmonary hygiene therapies, and equipment processing.

    RES 120 Respiratory Care Techniques III 6 RES 110 and RES 114

    Mechanical ventilation topics are continued in this classroom and laboratory course. Topics presented include volume pre-set and pressure pre-set ventilator equipment and basic ventilator application and management techniques for adult patients.

    RES 124 Respiratory Pharmacology 2 RES 110, RES 114 and RES 115

    This course provides an overview of general pharmacology with an emphasis on drugs used in the critical care management of cardiopulmonary conditions.

    RES 125 Clinical Practice II 2 RES 110, RES 114 and RES 115

    This clinical course provides three types of experience for the respiratory therapy student. First, there will be a continuation of basic respiratory care modalities from the previous semester. Second, the diagnostic areas of basic pulmonary function testing, arterial blood gas puncture and analysis, and 12-lead electrocardiography will be introduced. Third, the student will receive an orientation to volume control ventilation in the adult ICU environment. In addition, weekly clinic seminars will be held on campus to facilitate student learning.

    RES 126 Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology II 2 RES 114

    The student in this course will be able to describe the etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and management of a variety of advanced cardiopulmonary diseases and processes. Using a series of case studies, students will continue to develop assessment skills and apply clinical practice guidelines to develop care plans for patients with cardiopulmonary disease.

    RES 204 Diagnostic Theory 4 RES 120, RES 125 and RES 126

    This course covers pulmonary function testing and blood gas analysis equipment and procedures in the laboratory and clinical settings and includes an emphasis on the interpretation of test results from this equipment. Ventilator graphics, an extension of PFT graphics, and their interpretation will be presented. Additionally, equipment and procedures in common use in the areas of ABG laboratories, cardiopulmonary stress testing, pulmonary rehabilitation, and pulmonary home care will be presented.

    RES 205 Clinical Practice III 5 RES 120, RES 124, RES 125 and RES 126

    This clinical course allows students to assist in the pulmonary management of adults on mechanical ventilation. An integrated approach to patient care will be stressed through accurate patient assessment and application of various equipment and therapies. Students will also function as members of the health care team.

    RES 207 Advanced Cardiopulmonary Anatomy & Physiology 3 RES 120, RES 125 and RES 126

    This course advances the student’s knowledge of cardiopulmonary physiology. The cardiac sections cover gross and histologic cardiovascular anatomy, neural/endocrinological control of cardiac function, hemodynamics, microcirculatory disorders, and a review of common cardiac arrhythmias. The pulmonary section covers bronchopulmonary anatomy, gas diffusion, blood flow, ventilation/perfusion relationships, gas transport, mechanics and control of ventilation, and lung responses to changing environments and conditions.

    RES 210 Perinatal & Pediatric Respiratory Care 3 RES 120 and RES 205

    This classroom and laboratory course covers topics including fetal growth and development, patient assessment, commonly encountered equipment and the clinical management of common neonatal/pediatric diseases and conditions.

    RES 220 Respiratory Seminar 2 RES 210

    This course presents a wide variety of topics for discussion. Included are respiratory care history, management and supervision, trends in allied health, research, job acquisition skills and credentialing exam preparation.

    RES 225 Clinical Practice IV 5 RES 210

    This clinical course provides a varied experience for students who are about to graduate. A major emphasis will be in assisting with the pulmonary management of neonatal patients on mechanical ventilation. Other rotations will be in a variety to advanced diagnostic laboratories and alternate site venues where respiratory therapists are employed. In addition, weekly clinic seminars will be held on campus to facilitate student learning.

    EMU’s Exercise Science Requirements/JC Electives:

    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    BIO 162 General Biology II 4 CEM 131 or higher

    Biology 162 is the second semester of a one-year general biology experience intended for science majors or pre-professional students. This course covers the chemical basis of life, cell structure and function, photosynthesis and cellular respiration, molecular and Mendelian genetics, cell division, gene regulation and biotechnology. It provides the foundation for upper level biology courses. This course includes a laboratory component. Successful completion of BIO 161 is recommended prior to enrollment .

    CEM 141 General Chemistry I 5 CIS 095*, ENG 085*, ENG 090* and MAT 131* or higher

    This course is required for most sciences, engineering, and pre-professional health majors. Students who are required to take organic chemistry for their major should enroll in CEM 141 during their first semester. Topics include atomic and molecular structure, periodicity, chemical bonding, states of matter, kinetic molecular theory and stoichiometry. Course includes a laboratory component.

    PHY 231 College Physics I 4 MAT 131 or higher

    Pre-professional and engineering technology students explore kinematics, mechanics, dynamics, thermodynamics, acoustics and general wave motion. Course includes a laboratory component.

    *CEM 141, BIO 162, BIO 253, BIO 254, and PHY 231 are required for EMU’s Exercise Science program. If not transferred from JC, must be completed at EMU.

    **Students who successfully complete the Respiratory Therapy program at JC prior to transferring to EMU will have EXSC 144, EXSC 330L4, EXSC 433, and EXSC 480L4 waived.

    Articulation Agreement Guide:AAS in Respiratory Therapy at JC to BS in Exercise Science at EMU Articulation Guide