Art – Transfer Program

Visual artists create art to communicate ideas, thoughts or feelings. They use a variety of methods: painting, sculpting or illustration and an assortment of materials including watercolors, acrylics, pastels, pencils, pen and ink, plaster, clay and computers. Visual artists’ works may be realistic, stylized or abstract and may depict objects, people, nature or events. Sample curricula for a few popular transfer programs are included. Admittance to a four-year college art program is highly competitive. Check with the transfer institution to determine the admittance process. During the first semester of your freshman year, check whether ART classes will transfer to meet requirements of the transfer institution. Some transfer institutions grant studio art credit ONLY upon approval of a portfolio.

Suggested Course Sequence

First Year, Fall Semester

  • ART 101, ART 111, ENG 131, MAT 131 or 141*, Michigan Transfer Agreement science course

First Year, Spring Semester

  • ART 112, ART 201, ENG 132, Michigan Transfer Agreement science course, Michigan Transfer Agreement social science course

Second Year, Fall Semester

  • ART 103, ART 152, Michigan Transfer Agreement social science course, non-art Michigan Transfer Agreement humanities course

Second Year, Spring Semester

  • ART 205, Michigan Transfer Agreement social science course, electives

*Check mathematics requirements of transfer institution.

Michigan Transfer Pathways

Jackson College joins with community colleges across the state to create easy-to-understand pathways for students transferring credit to a university.

Working to increase degree completion among transfer students, community colleges and universities have collaborated to simplify the transfer process by developing MiTransfer Pathways. This allows community college students to apply every credit to four-year universities in specific programs.

  • Art – MiTransfer Pathway

    MiTransfer Pathways – Art

    Community colleges and universities have collaborated to simplify the transfer process by developing MiTransfer Pathways. These transfer pathways build on the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA), which makes it easier for students to transfer their general education courses earned at Jackson College to participating four-year institutions in Michigan. View Jackson College’s MTA requirements.

    Art faculty identified courses that will transfer between community colleges and universities in Michigan. The following courses at Jackson College are guaranteed to transfer to art programs of participating institutions.

    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    ART 101 Two-Dimensional Design 3

    Students will learn the principles and elements of 2-D design and practice their application in a variety of hands-on studio projects. Critical thinking skills such as problem solving, understanding the creative process (from idea to finished product), and addressing visual and conceptual themes are essential parts of the course. These skills are reflected in studio projects.

    ART 103 Drawing I: Foundations 3

    This course introduces basic drawing principles and techniques in a studio setting. Students explore contour and tonal drawing using various subjects and media in both observational and conceptual drawings. Projects will incorporate a variety of ability levels, as well as traditional and non-traditional media (including digital images). Students will draw from a nude model. Critical thinking skills such as problem solving, understanding the creative process (from idea to finished product), and addressing visual and conceptual themes are essential parts of the course, reflected in the studio projects. An end of semester portfolio represents students’ growth and artistic development.

    ART 111 Art History: Prehistoric to 1400 3 ENG 085, ENG 091

    This course is a survey of art history and aesthetics covering art and architecture from prehistoric times to 1400.

    ART 112 Art History: Renaissance to Present 3 ENG 085*

    This course is a survey of art history and aesthetics covering art from the Renaissance through the 20th century.

    ART 201 Three-Dimensional Design: Shapes & Space 3

    Students learn the principles and elements of three-dimensional design and study how to apply them in a variety of studio projects. Students understand and demonstrate the different construction methods needed to create sculpture with a diverse array of media. Critical thinking skills such as problem solving, understanding the creative process (from idea to finished product), and addressing visual and conceptual themes are essential parts of the course. These skills are reflected in studio projects.

    Studio Art Courses

    It is recommended that students complete two studio art courses in two different mediums. Studio art courses should be selected on consultation with a faculty advisor based on the students’ major, concentration, or focus. These courses may transfer as part of the associate degree but may not transfer as course-to-course equivalencies.

    Jackson College Degree Requirements

    These are Jackson College associate degree requirements and may not be accepted for transfer by universities participating in the agreement.

    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    COM 231 Communication Fundamentals 3 ENG 085, ENG 091

    Students will learn the basic principles of speech communication including speech development and delivery, interpersonal message, non-verbal messages, and small group dynamics. The course is designed to prepare students to be effective communicators in a global society. Student speeches will be evaluated for effectiveness.

    GEO 7 Some MTA courses meet this requirement 3
    SEM 140 Seminar in Life Pathways 3

    Seminar in Life Pathways is a gateway course to Jackson College. This course is designed to help all students develop the skills, inner qualities and external behaviors needed to take charge of their academic and career success. Students will be guided through an extensive process in making career choices and selecting an academic program of study at Jackson College and beyond. With the exception of second-admit programs, SEM 140 is required of all students.

    Transfer Institution Degree Requirements

    Transfer institutions have identified remaining degree requirements that a student can take at Jackson College that will transfer to a participating art program. To view each institution’s additional degree requirements, select your transfer institution then use Michigan Transfer Networks’s course equivalencies tool to find the course equivalent at Jackson College.