Graphic Imaging (Adobe® PhotoShop®)
January 5, 2016
Learn the intricacies of scanning and editing images for producing practical and expressive images on a computer using Adobe® PhotoShop® software.
Open Source Web Design
January 5, 2016
This course will explore several open source web design software programs available, their risks and advantages in the web development arena. Students will create an eCommerce website, learn to manage the site using open source utilities available and discover strategies for security of website information and eCommerce transactions.
Integrated Design I (Adobe® InDesign®)
January 5, 2016
Learn the basics of desktop publishing using Adobe® InDesign®. Students use computers and laser printers to create professional-looking publications that incorporate illustrations and bitmap graphics.
Digital Photography I
January 5, 2016
(SAME AS ART 137) This course demonstrates how to use and handle a digital camera, capturing the image, editing and processing images for output such as printing, or preparing images for upload to the internet for websites or social media platforms. The class will include techniques and instruction on layout, composition, rules of design, […]
Image Editing Applications
January 5, 2016
Students will be exposed to current applications and technical aspects of image manipulation in a variety of contexts. They will become familiar with applications through research, demonstrations, and structured exercises as well as open-ended assignments.
January 5, 2016
Create web pages using HTML. Students will learn techniques and strategies to build and promote successful web pages. Features such as columns, frames, image maps and META tags will be covered in this course.
Web Page Design I (Dreamweaver®)
January 5, 2016
(FORMERLY CIS 045) This course covers the fundamental concepts of web page design using Adobe® Dreamweaver®. This course will instruct students in all the basic functions of Adobe® Dreamweaver® in regards to understanding how to get a website up and running.
Programming Logic
January 5, 2016
Students explore the development of the logic and theory for writing business programs that control the operation of a computer. Course covers the development of both structured design and object-oriented design. Topics include control structures, arrays, data validation, testing and debugging.
Programming in Visual Basic.NET
January 5, 2016
This course introduces students to principles and concepts of programming in a Windows® environment using the Visual Basic.NET programming language. Students learn to develop business applications by designing and creating a user interface and writing the necessary procedures using both structured and object-oriented design. Topics covered include objects, variables, menus, arrays, file input/output, OLE methods, […]
JAVA Programming
January 5, 2016
Students use procedural and object-oriented programming capabilities to design, develop, and test computer programs. Topics covered include control structures, methods, object-oriented programming, classes, applets, and user interfaces.