Concepts in Astronomy
January 5, 2016
A one semester conceptual astronomy course for non-science majors. This is a survey course that focuses on four broad content categories: the motions of the sky, the solar system, light & stars, and the universe. The emphasis of the course is on critical thinking about specific topics in these categories with a minimum of mathematics. […]
January 5, 2016
A one-semester conceptual astronomy course for non-science majors. This is a survey course that focuses on four broad content categories: motions of the sky, the solar system, light and stars, and the universe. The emphasis of the course is on critical thinking about specific topics in these categories. The course has an associated laboratory in […]
College Physics I
January 5, 2016
Pre-professional and engineering technology students explore kinematics, mechanics, dynamics, thermodynamics, acoustics and general wave motion. Course includes a laboratory component.
College Physics II
January 5, 2016
Students cover topics in electricity, magnetism and modern physics and is a continuation of PHY 231. Course includes a laboratory component.
Music Education
January 5, 2016
Elementary education student is taught the fundamentals of music and then given practical experience in teaching, creating, and accompanying songs and how to enhance an elementary classroom with music.
African Drum Ensemble
January 5, 2016
Performance of African (Ashante) drums. Rehearsals with cultural exploration leading to performances of the music. May be taken four times for credit.
Brass Ensemble
January 5, 2016
Performance of music for brass chamber ensembles. May be taken four times for credit.
Jazz Ensemble
January 5, 2016
Performance of jazz with emphasis on improvisational skill development. May be taken four times for credit.
Woodwind Ensemble
January 5, 2016
Performance of woodwind chamber ensemble music. May be taken four times for credit.
Music Theory I
January 5, 2016
Study of scales, key signatures, chord structure, intervals, chord progression and non-harmonic tones. This course includes sight singing, keyboard harmony and ear training.