Introduction Vascular Technology and Professional lab Practice
September 19, 2019
In this course students are introduced to and practice the Intercostal Accreditation Commission (IAC) exam testing protocols of the venous duplex obstruction testing, carotid duplex testing (including manual blood pressure measurements) and ABI exam. The routines of the daily lab are simulated using various In-patient scenarios and outpatient scenarios. Students practice oral communication in a concise, clear and effective manor with students, faculty, and staff. Students actively explore ultrasound equipment and scanning techniques. The appropriate use of color, pulse-wave Doppler, and gray-scale settings is applied to obtain optimal images and Doppler waveform patterns. Students are assessed for proper ergonomics while manipulating the transducer and scanning in the transverse to sagittal scan plans. HIPPA, OSHA Universal Precautions, and basic patient transfer techniques are covered and assessed. The affective, cognitive and psychomotor skills are also assessed in this course.